TSE’s mission is to
foster an environment that promotes employee development, thereby creating a positive experience for our Customers.
As a licensed title insurance agent, TSE provides Escrow and Settlement services in conjunction with its duties as a title insurance agent. This ensures a prompt and convenient experience for all parties involved in the real estate transaction. As an Escrow agent, TSE is a neutral third party that ensures all conditions are met prior to close, and coordinates the flow of documents and disbursement of funds.
- A TEAM CONCEPT, individually tailored to meet your needs
- Mobile Notary to handle functions at your U.S. business or residence
- World-wide Mail Away signing
- Our Florida based facility
- SUB-ESCROW: Receive and disperse funds
- ENSURES COMPLIANCE with Purchase and Sales contract and Lender's instructions
- REQUESTS the following products when required:
- Appraisals
- Closing Protection Letter
- Title Insurance Commitment
- Home Warranty Inspections
- Pest Inspections
- Surveys
- ORDERS necessary payoff statements and demands to clear the title
- PREPARES documents necessary to complete the transaction where permitted by law. In jurisdictions where Attorney's must prepare all documents, TSE will coordinate through its network of attorney's
- PREPARES all estimated and final closing statements (HUD-1's)
- DELIVERS all documents to appropriate Recording Clerk via overnight delivery